Uncover the historical secrets, restore the true face of this ancient artifact, and look forward to the truth!

In 1958, Lao Zhao was playing with a seal in Enshi, Hubei, when he suddenly froze while coiling it. He discovered that the seal in his hand was becoming increasingly gleaming, and it was as yellow as gold. Old Zhao delighted in eating the seal and quickly hid it.

Lao Zhao works for Enshi Supply and Marketing Cooperative, where his main responsibility is to buy agricultural and sideline products and supply farmers with daily necessities. Naturally, some villagers would bring scrap copper and rotten iron to sell, and Lao Zhao thought it was appropriate to purchase them as well.

What is the origin of the gold seal? Old Zhao rubbed his chin.


01. "Copper seal" discovered while weed shoveling 

Lao Liu, a resident of Maweiba Village, Lianhua Township, Sancha District, Enshi, noticed that the weather was pleasant that day. He went to the paddy field after breakfast to shovel grass. He shoveled and shoveled, but a "bang" was 

heard. Lao Liu mistook it for a stone and reached out his hand. I took out a clay pot when I took it out.  The hoe only left a shallow mark on the clay pot rather than breaking it. Lao Liu 

suspected that an oil pot had gone missing at home, so he washed it with field water.  Lao Liu could only dig out the mud and pour water into the clay pot because it was already full of it. As a result of this.


Lao Liu picked up the metal block and discovered that some parts of it was yellow. He weighed it and was instantly pleased. This thing is quite heavy, most likely made of copper, and it 

can be traded for money!  The spring is cold and cold in early spring and March, and it is warm and cold. Lao Liu felt a little cold after washing the clay pots for a long time, so he quickly set 

the clay pots and metal blocks aside and continued to work.  Old Liu was a quick thinker, and he mowed the grass in the field in the blink of an eye. He then returned home with clay pots and metal pieces, and changed his clothes.

02. A bag of salt was exchanged for the gold seal.

When he arrived, Lao Liu handed the metal block to Lao Zhao, who took it over and looked at it before saying, "It's copper."  Lao Zhao weighed it and saw that it was only one or two cents more, 

so he asked Lao Liu, "It's about 8 cents, do you want money or salt?" It turned out that salt was exactly 8 cents a catty at the time.  "I want salt, I want salt!" exclaimed Old Liu.  Lao Zhao nodded, stood up, and weighed a catty of salt for Lao Liu, 

wrapping it in oiled paper, tying a lovely knot, and handing it to Lao Liu.  Lao Liu happily accepted the salt and exited.  Following the departure of Lao Liu.

Unexpectedly, as I coiled and coiled, this piece of metal became brighter and brighter, until it was as bright as gold! Old Zhao's heart was racing nonstop; could this thing be gold?

Such good calligraphy actually came from China thousands of years ago, and it is worth learning for us in modern times.


 03. The copper seal was converted into a gold seal and sold for one hundred yuan.

So Lao Zhao took a careful bite, and there was a tooth mark on it. Lao Zhao was overjoyed right away, and knowing it was genuine gold, he quickly hid the gold seal!  The year was early 1960. Wuhan Cultural Relics Store sent staff to various locations throughout the province to 

purchase socially dispersed cultural relics in order to expand its collection. Lao Wu, the store's senior cultural relic appraisal expert, and his colleague Xiao Mou were dispatched to Enshi County.  

As a point of sale, the two rented a store in an Enshi County hotel. However, the purchase situation was not satisfactory half a month later, and the two were forced to return.  Following another period of time.

Lao Zhao entered just as the two were about to return to Wuhan.  "Is this a cultural relic, and can I buy it?" Old Zhao asked as he handed the golden seal to Old Wu.  "It's a cultural relic, it's a 

cultural relic..." Old Wu took it over and examined it more closely.  Lao Wu then informed Lao Zhao that this is an ancient seal and a cultural relic, and that they are willing to 

purchase it. Lao Wu eventually purchased Lao Zhao's gold seal for 100 yuan.  Lao Zhao is pleased with the purchase price. After all, 100 yuan is more than a month's salary!  Lao Wu and Lao Xiao also exhaled deeply.


04. The gold seal belongs to the nobles of the palace

After returning to Wuhan, the two confirmed the seal's identity with other cultural relics experts, concluding that it was a gold seal from the Western Jin Dynasty. The gold seal was named "Jin Barbarian Guiyi Hou Golden Seal" according to the seal text.

Jin Barbarian Guiyi Hou's gold seal measures 2.2 cm long, 2.2 cm wide, and 2.2 cm high and weighs 85.5 grams. The entire thing is made of pure gold. The gold seal and seal button are shaped like a coiled snake with a hole in the middle. The snake's eyes protrude, and its 

"scales" are clearly visible, ready to go, and very realistic.  The printed text is in Yin script in large seal script, with three lines and six characters of "Jin barbarians return to Yihou" engraved on it.  

This golden seal appeared in Enshi because, from the Three Kingdoms period to the Jin Dynasty, Enshi was part of Jianping County and was subject to its jurisdiction.

The ancient nobles were divided into five classes, as we all know: Duke, Marquis, Bo, Zi, and male. In the eyes of the court, the local leaders' initiative to surrender without fighting is a stroke of luck.  The discovery of Jin 

Barbarian's golden seal Guiyi Hou contains valuable materials for studying the Jin Dynasty's history, culture, and ethnic policies. It is extremely valuable and has significant historical and artistic value. As a result, its discovery 

caused widespread consternation at the time, and many newspapers, including the "Yangcheng Evening News," rushed to report on it. This valuable golden seal of Jin barbarians Guiyi Hou is now housed in the Wuhan Museum.

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